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Wind and Solar Power Predictions in El Salvador and Mexico

The expanding dynamics of renewable energies in Mexico and Central America is increasing the pressure to respond to changes made by incorporating professionally developed forecast models as the basis for planning and ensuring system stability.

The project, together with the local partners DelSur (distribution network operator, El Salvador), UT (network operator, El Salvador), EOR (supra-regional market administrator from Guatemala to Panama) and CENACE (Mexican network operator), aims to provide a comprehensive and product-neutral consulting service for optimally integrating professionally generated forecasting models into grid operations, system management and energy trading. The use of forecasts is not yet widely applied in Central America or Mexico, but is an essential element for stable system management, ultimately allowing the improved utilization and grid integration of renewable energies. The partners will become familiar with the technical and economic advantages of forecasts and will be instructed on how to independently create tenders for the procurement of this service. They are also informed how to set up the regulatory framework to ensure the availability of relevant plant data for forecasting.

Towards this goal, the project Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on the 8th of June 2017 in the offices of CENACE in Mexico City. The MoU was signed by the partners GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH) Mexiko represented by Trudy Könemund, CENACE represented by Nemorio Gonzales and energy & meteo systems represented by Matthias Lange.

To project:
Consulting on power forecasts in El Salvador and Mexico

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