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Plant operators use our solar and wind power forecasts to monitor and manage their plant portfolios

Wind and Solar Plant Operators

Optimal management of renewable energy facilities

Plant operators need precise power forecasts for their wind and solar parks – whether it's optimizing facility operations, planning maintenance intervals or conveying scheduling to the grid operator. In some power markets, deviations between predictions and actual production threaten to lead to hefty penalty fees – we help you to avoid these.

Throughout the world, many well-known companies have put their trust in us for years in the production and delivery of wind and solar power predictions for their plants and portfolios. With our operator portal, we additionally offer a user-friendly web service which captures the current production of electricity from your wind and solar sites, along with your portfolio – be it from the computer or on the way via cell-phone.

Overview of our services for wind and solar plant operators:

  • Wind and solar power forecasts for individual parks, aggregated to portfolio levels
  • Dispatching of schedules in the desired format, directly to the grid operator
  • Market predictions for wind and solar power production
  • Online customer portal for data management, data visualization and monitoring of wind and solar electricity generation (in real-time and with predictions)
  • 24/7 support by energy & meteo systems

We look forward to supporting you in the efficient operations of your generating facilities.

We would be glad to provide you with further information:
tel. +49 441 249 210 or mail@energymeteo

Project examples

Provision of solar power forecasts for solar park in India

Power forecasts for generators of wind and solar power in India

Avoidance of penalty fees due to scheduling deviations

The growing share of renewable energies in the energy mix of many countries increasingly turns the focus towards grid stability. Precise predictions play a central roll here for weather-dependent generation sources and input from wind and solar power. On a world-wide level, grid operators issue strict prediction requirements which obligate the operators of wind and solar parks to deliver precise predictions for power generation. For deviations between predictions and actual production, plant …

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