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Serverraum - energy & meteo systems

Modern Software Architecture

Modular design ensures speed

The demands on software development and the amount of data to be transferred are constantly increasing. energy & meteo systems is faced with the challenge of implementing new requirements and interfaces as quickly as possible, especially in view of the worldwide use of its products.

Therefore, parallel to the effective further development of the products, the software architecture will be holistically rethought within the framework of the project Development of a Microservice Software Architecture. The goal is to be able to further driving the products forward in the future much easier and faster. In this context a new modular approach in the software architecture is to be implemented. Functionalities of the software range of energy & meteo systems will be developed separately in modules, so that these can be operated and optimated further independently of each other. The core element here is the exchange of large amounts of data in real time on the basis of the latest technologies such as Rest APIs.

This project is supported by EFRE funding within the framework of the Lower Saxony RIS 3 strategy in the specialization field of the energy industry. This will enable energy & meteo systems to provide its products developed in Lower Saxony to its customers much faster and more flexibly in the future.

The research project was completed in November 2021.

Supported with EFRE funds

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