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Worldwide case studies for virtual power plant and power forecasts

Customer Projects

Biogas, wind and solar plant

emsys VPP provides MVV Trading with its Virtual Power Plant for balancing energy fulfilling the demanding technical requirements of the four German TSOs.

Wind farm in the mountains

In record time of just three weeks, emsys VPP succeeded in setting up a Virtual Power Plant for the Austrian energy service provider Kelag.

Wind energy plants in Greece

The aggregator unit of Protergia (Mytilineos) uses our VPP for trading electricity from its solar and wind plants.

Virtual Power Plant connects geothermal plants

Our Virtual Power Plant for Pure Energy integrates as well geothermal power plants.

Solar park in Thailand: use of power forecasts

Consulting on the improvement of a forecasting system for wind and solar power on behalf of the Thai-German Climate Program.

Wind turbines in India can provide ancillary services

Within the framework of the GIZ project, control functions were analyzed from wind and solar parks for the provision of ancillary services.

Virtual power plant for marketing of flexibility from biogas plants

The Swiss electricity provider uses our Virtual Power Plant to aggregate biogas plants for flexibility trading on intraday and day-ahead markets.

Our Virtual Power Plant supports the French power producer CNR in the direct marketing of solar and wind power in the French electricity market

Our VPP for CNR is especially adapted to the specific requirements of the French electricity market.

transmission line in the forest requires efficient monitoring

Analysis of the current carrying capacity and determination of hot spots for TransnetBW towards the increase of grid transmission power.

Virtual power plant for optimal marketing of flexibility

Statkraft uses our Virtual Power Plant for flexibility trading in UK, thus contributing to the efficient integration of renewable energies.

Provision of solar power forecasts for solar park in India

Our precise power forecasts help wind and solar park operators in India to avoid sanctions from grid operators.

Renewable energies in South America use Virtual Power Plant

Grid operators in Argentina and Brazil are learning the benefits of the Virtual Power Plant as a control center for renewable energies in theory and practice.

Dominican Republic uses power forecasts

Improvement and analysis of the forecasting system for wind and solar power in the Dominican Republic towards increasing prediction quality.

Solar power forecasts for NEOEN's Spica and Antares solar parks in El Salvador

Capacity building measures and pilot projects for wind and solar power predictions with grid operators in Mexico and El Salvador.

Wind farm in Germany provides ancillary services via virtual power plant

With our VPP the largest European aggregator Statkraft maximizes the benefit from its 10 GW German wind portfolio.

Onshore wind farm - renewable energies in South Africa

The program supported the South-African Ministry of Energy and partners in increasing energy efficiency and the usage of renewable energies.

Precise power predictions for grid stability in the USA

Delivery of high resolution, very-short term predictions for the gigantic region of the US-American transmission grid operator MISO.

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